
This Week in Databend #85

March 17, 2023 · 4 min read


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Databend is a modern cloud data warehouse, serving your massive-scale analytics needs at low cost and complexity. Open source alternative to Snowflake. Also available in the cloud: .

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What's On In Databend

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Data Type: MAP

The MAP data structure holds Key:Value pairs using a nested Array(Tuple(key, value)) and is useful when the data type is constant but the Key's value cannot be fully determined. The Key must be of a specified basic data type and duplicates are not allowed, while the Value can be any data type including nested arrays or tuples. A bloom filter index is created in Map makes it easier and faster to search for values in MAP.

select * from nginx_log where log['ip'] = '';
| id | log |
| 1 | {'ip':'','url':'test-1'} |
1 row in set

If you want to learn more about the Map data type, please read the following materials:

Data Transformation During Loading Process

Do you remember the two RFCs mentioned last week? Now, Databend has added support for data transformation during the loading process into tables. Basic transformation operations can be achieved by using the COPY INTO <table> command.

CREATE TABLE my_table(id int, name string, time date);

COPY INTO my_table
FROM (SELECT,, to_date(t.timestamp) FROM @mystage t)
FILE_FORMAT = (type = parquet) PATTERN='.*parquet';

This feature avoids storing pre-transformed data in temporary tables and supports column reordering, column omission, and type conversion operation. In addition, partial data can be loaded from staged Parquet files or their columns can be rearranged. This feature simplifies and streamlines ETL processes, allowing uses to give more attentions on the data analysis without considering how to move their data.

If you're interested, check the following documentation:

Code Corner

Discover some fascinating code snippets or projects that showcase our work or learning journey.

Run Multiple Futures Parallel

Are you interested in how to run futures in parallel? It is worth mentioning that Databend has greatly improved the scanning performance in situations with a huge number of files by utilizing this technique.

The following code, which is less than 30 lines long, will introduce you to how it all works.

/// Run multiple futures parallel
/// using a semaphore to limit the parallelism number, and a specified thread pool to run the futures.
/// It waits for all futures to complete and returns their results.
pub async fn execute_futures_in_parallel<Fut>(
futures: impl IntoIterator<Item = Fut>,
thread_nums: usize,
permit_nums: usize,
thread_name: String,
) -> Result<Vec<Fut::Output>>
Fut: Future + Send + 'static,
Fut::Output: Send + 'static,
// 1. build the runtime.
let semaphore = Semaphore::new(permit_nums);
let runtime = Arc::new(Runtime::with_worker_threads(

// 2. spawn all the tasks to the runtime with semaphore.
let join_handlers = runtime.try_spawn_batch(semaphore, futures).await?;

// 3. get all the result.
.map_err(|e| ErrorCode::Internal(format!("try join all futures failure, {}", e)))

If you are interested in this Rust trick, you can read this PR: feat: improve the parquet get splits to parallel.

How to Create a System Table

System tables are tables that provide information about Databend's internal state, such as databases, tables, functions, and settings.

If you're interested in creating a system table, check out our recently released documentation which introduces the implementation, registration, and testing of system tables, using the system.credits table as an example.

Here is a code snippet:

let table_info = TableInfo {
desc: "'system'.'credits'".to_string(),
name: "credits".to_string(),
ident: TableIdent::new(table_id, 0),
meta: TableMeta {
engine: "SystemCredits".to_string(),


Here are some noteworthy items recorded here, perhaps you can find something that interests you.

What's Up Next

We're always open to cutting-edge technologies and innovative ideas. You're more than welcome to join the community and bring them to Databend.

Support Quantile with A List

After the merge of PR #10474, Databend began to support quantile aggregation functions, but currently only supports setting a single floating-point value as the level. If it could also support passing in a list, it may help simplify SQL writing in some scenarios.

SELECT QUANTILE([0.25, 0.5, 0.75])(number) FROM numbers(25);
| quantile([0.25, 0.5, 0.75])(number) |
| [6, 12, 18] |

Feature: quantile support list and add functions kurtosis() and skewness()

Additionally, the kurtosis(x) and skewness(x) mentioned in this issue seem a good starting point for contributing to Databend.

Please let us know if you're interested in contributing to this issue, or pick up a good first issue at to get started.


You can check the changelog of Databend Nightly for details about our latest developments.

Full Changelog:

🎉 Contributors
25 contributors

Thanks a lot to the contributors for their excellent work.


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Databend is a cutting-edge, open-source cloud-native warehouse built with Rust, designed to handle massive-scale analytics.

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